Freedom Force vs. The 3rd Reich
My Role: Design
Studio: Irrational Games
Released: 2005
Platform: PC
Publisher: Irrational Games/Digital Jesters
Freedom is threatened yet again and only Minute Man and his heroic Freedom Force can save the day in the follow up to one of the most critically acclaimed games of 2002. Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich brings dynamic storytelling, fast-paced tactical role-play, and larger-than-life characters from the comic book pages to the computer screen. In this title, the league of heroes must travel back in time to defeat Blitzkrieg, defender of the Reich and his homicidal henchmen. With action spanning from the blasted battlefields of World War II to the dazzling depths of distant dimensions, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich will give Freedom Fans more than they can handle.
“For freedom!”
The current ongoing superhero craze was just taking off when the original Freedom Force hit the shelves. A sequel where the player gets to punch Nazis seemed like an obvious next step.
Fantastic new heroes, a new single player campaign and a step back in time made the game a worthy successor.
I designed and edited levels, and built monstrous overpowered characters to test the game’s balance. But honestly the best bit of working on this game was writing the object descriptions using comic Silver-Age-style language. Alliteration aplenty!