Claptastic Voyage
My Role: Narrative, Game and Level Design
Studio: 2K Australia and Gearbox Software
Released: 2015
Platform: PC, XBOX360, PS4
Publisher: 2K Games
Inside the mind of a robot. Such as it is.
An expansion to Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Digital capers inside a neurotic robot’s brain. Be careful where you step!
An absolute blast to write, jam packed with all the latest internet humour (at the time) and even more golden sci-fi references. Like Tron: Legacy on acid.
Making Claptrap a sympathetic character was an uphill battle. He was originally written as extremely annoying, but people have told me this expansion changed the way they felt about Claptrap as a character. They still hated his guts, but also felt some small twinge of compassion. Tragedy and comedy are two sides of the same coin baby!
Claptastic Voyage also featured some very memorable and irritating songs by the ultra-talented Jesper Kyd, Des Shore and Justin Mullins.